In my country, Indonesia, the myth still strongly embedded in society, especially in rural areas. One of them is a myth if large trees and bamboo groves is haunted, as the incarnation watchman tiger woods’, the need for safety each time of harvest, and others. This often was ridiculed and considered silly and superstitious for today's youth or urban communities that have modern minded. However, the positive side of this is ancient society become more selective in using natural products and the preservation of plants and animals around us become more awake.
The myth was probably lost at this time because virtually no time by the youth of today, but I feel there are other ways to foster a sense of concern for nature by other human beings around me, through my dreams. I dream to restore the greatness of the name of Indonesia, dubbed as the emerald because of the large equatorial forests owned and variety of animals that occupy the top position in the world. Not anymore as the exporting country or a state smog blamed for global warming is happening. I realize that dream with discourse application of a green campus, the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University) where I was taking during this lecture. Through this paper, I will present a description of the green campus concept that inspired some of the existing green schools in the country.
Call it the SMA 13 Jakarta Utara, who founded the school extracurricular with green name ( Activities that have been done and is very prominent in this school is the reuse of plastic waste into products ready for use (such as bags, wallets, pencil, greeting cards, toiletries bag, etc..). Members of the Green School have provided insight into the basic training of environmental care. In addition, Green School has also been conducting seminars in the school environment, and exhibitions in and outside of school. Due to active members of the Green School in converting plastic waste into products ready for use, and active they are following exhibitions, the Green School became quite famous and has been frequently interviewed by various media.
Besides related with trash, they also grow medicinal plants. Plants are chosen such as Lavender, Geranyum, Zodia, and Rosemary which serves as a mosquito repellent as the mosquito population in the vicinity of schools is high enough so that cases of dengue fever is quite high. Toga who planted it also inspired the making of paper that has won a research competition in North Jakarta (Winner Field IPA) and Runner II levels of DKI Jakarta (Disorda). Through research Contest Winner plastic obtained a study of North Jakarta and Jakarta-level Second Place (2006).
In addition, members of the green school also seeks to integrate environmental issues into school subjects. This is of course with support from teachers and all citizens of the school in campaigning dangers of global warming and foster caring for nature early on.
In subjects with the environmental theme, the learning process will be relaxed but not boring because it is packed in activities like watching movies with the theme of the environment, recycling creativity contest, as well as the anniversary of the Earth by distributing masks to motorists and the system of foster parents per child one tree. So the trees or flowers they planted to their own advantage and there is a post-planting care.
In subjects with the environmental theme, the learning process will be relaxed but not boring because it is packed in activities like watching movies with the theme of the environment, recycling creativity contest, as well as the anniversary of the Earth by distributing masks to motorists and the system of foster parents per child one tree. So the trees or flowers they planted to their own advantage and there is a post-planting care.
Figure 1
Green canteen in the Junior High School 26 Surabaya
In addition to SMA 13 Jakarta Utara, Surabaya, SMP 26 is also not to be outdone by his senior in terms of caring for nature. The picture above clearly located in Surabaya, 26 Junior High School, which utilizes fish pond large enough in area schools to create a floating green canteen. Fish pond filled with tilapia and catfish, because it uses waste water from the school toilets and rivers in the area. Catfish was chosen because it classified the type of fish which hold a wide range of water conditions. Catfish also serves to reduce the remaining food. While tilapia is deliberately chosen as an indicator of water quality in schools and surrounding areas. Breeding fish in the pond integrated schools with this floating school cafeteria serves as a medium including environmental education for students ( In the canteen is also providing food and beverages that meet the hygienic and health standards, which are expected to reduce the spread of garbage that had been found in all corners of the school. Availability of this floating canteen as well as eliminate the impression of slums in the school canteen. With the canteen is also floating green, the kind of non-organic trash, especially food and beverage packaging to be reduced drastically. Cause, all food is served with dishes that can continue to be used repeatedly. All drinks are also served with a glass that can be used repeatedly. Can be directly composted food scraps.
The Pool at Campus C
Two examples of green schools in the above can also be applied at Airlangga University, precisely on the campus of C because there are also large enough pool area and maximum untapped so far, as shown below. During the day, the area around the pool it feels very hot because the number of trees that are less than the vacant area is so vast because there has not been built almost entirely. To that end, I propose to make a green canteen on a mini pond, if necessary, along with gazebo and floating restaurants. If this plan can be realized, not just the environmental aspect that has improved but it can also be used to land an environmentally friendly business. In terms of the concept of the building can adjust the taste of the youthful students and workers in the cafeteria or eating house can be hired from the students especially the poor. So for tuition fees and buy books they can earn by working part time at the venue.
In addition to this simple concept, the scenery around campus will be more beautiful and attractive, campus facilities also increased, and students will not be difficult to find a place to hang out or spend time while waiting for class hours. Menu catfish and fried or grilled tilapia can be presented in accordance with the tastes and consumer orders, fishing could be also an alternative activity to relieve boredom for students, faculty, and staff from campus activities. Also in these places can also be attached flyer or banner-themed environment that is without conscious, all campus residents will become more friendly to the environment.
To be more shady, areas that are still empty and which were around the pond can be planted with trees such as mango, guava, or rambutan harvest season so that when a student can directly pick it if interested. This is expected to enhance the nutritional needs of students both for intelligence and reduce the consumption of packaged foods which often contain chemicals. In these ponds can also be planted with lotus flowers more beautiful than to be able to fix the dirty pond water levels. To complement the beauty, the maintenance of geese, rabbits, or deer in the vicinity of the lake will make C more attractive campus. Moreover, faculty of fisheries, biology, and veterinary medicine are located not far from there, so they can periodically check the state of the animals as well as practicing the science that they can.
Not quite up there, besides the problem I also have a pool of other ideas such as the use of bicycles as a means of transportation on the campus that inspired the first ITB campus implementing bike to campus ( By working with several nationally-owned bicycle manufacturer, the entire campus community can jointly promote the reduction of air pollution that cause the greenhouse effect. Bicycle Manufacturers also benefit from free promotion that can be fed back into increased purchase of bicycles by students and their families.
Not quite up there, besides the problem I also have a pool of other ideas such as the use of bicycles as a means of transportation on the campus that inspired the first ITB campus implementing bike to campus ( By working with several nationally-owned bicycle manufacturer, the entire campus community can jointly promote the reduction of air pollution that cause the greenhouse effect. Bicycle Manufacturers also benefit from free promotion that can be fed back into increased purchase of bicycles by students and their families.
Figure 3
Campus Bicycle
By implementing these eco campus, although its contribution is not great but if carried out simultaneously across campus, the greatness of this country to re-name the equatorial emerald carried by Indonesia with youth as its inisiator. No longer merely a dream or myth, but today's realities.
Fadillah, Ramadhian. 2008. Ciptakan Green Campus, UI Siapkan Sepeda Gratis accessed from at October 24th 2010
Fadillah, Ramadhian. 2008. Ciptakan Green Campus, UI Siapkan Sepeda Gratis accessed from at October 24th 2010
Roni. 2010. Ribuan Benih Ikan Lele Dan Nila Dilepaskan Di Kolam Ikan Yang Terintegrasi Kantin Apung. accessed from at October 23rd 2010
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Terpadu oleh Warga SMA 13 dan Masyarakat melalui 3R dan Pembudidayaan Toga Anti Nyamuk accessed from at October 23rd 2010
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